Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Valve Cover Gasket Saga

In mid 2007, a proud owner of a 41/2 year old Proton Iswara discovered a rather messy oil leak around his engine. Being on a rather tight budget at the time, the leak was fixed by applying a generous amount of gasket sealant around the leaky cover.

Fast forward to July 2008. The leak was still there and in the space of several months, 1/2 the oil in the engine had seeped via the convenient opening. Months of deciding came to an end last Wednesday when the valve cover was removed. 6 10mm bolts hold the cover down to the cylinder head. The cover was then washed down to remove all traces of oil and dust which had formed into a fine paste.

Then it dawned upon the genius that he should have purchased a new gasket. Since it was too late, the decision to apply yet another generous amount of sealant and hope for the best was adopted. (We do what we can when we can..). The engine oil was replaced at this time.

What did the genius learn through this exercise?

1. It took only 20 minutes to rectify (temporarily) the leak. Was the procrastination worth it? Nope.
2. Those who fail to plan, are in fact planning to fail. A lesson well learnt.

Now the next project. Replace the fan motor.

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